Project Backpack Houa2008
School building
Classrooms with no windows or doors 
Pupils during the ceremony
Teachers handing out LAFABA backpack
A pupil receiving her backpack from the Div. Delegate
Water buckets provided by LAFABA
LAFABA president beeing honored by the chief of the village
Recipients of LAFABA backpacks
 GBPS Houa -  Beneficiary of the 4th edition of Project Backpack.  September 17, 2008


Class 7 building with part of the roof blown off
A pupils receiving backpack from a parent 
Supplies for teachers
65puplis from the GBPS Houa received backpack:  
350   Textbooks
300 Exercice books
600 Pens
250   pencils
First Aid kits

LAFABA provided money for out door toilet construction, paid for pipe borne water, paid for installation of new classroon roof.
Workers labouring for water pipe trenches
Puplis in class 
Welcome speech by a pupil 
Pupils during the ceremony
Water fountain provided by LAFABA
Government and school officials
Teachers handing out LAFABA backpack
LAFABA president handing out LAFABA backpack
Recipients of LAFABA backpacks with teachrs